- A short vacation in the UK? This time of year tickets to the UK are over $1000...not very likely you would spend that for a "short" vacation...especially when you have 3 kids.
- My friend wouldn't have used the term "as of late" in a Facebook chat...a bit too formal in my opinion.
- The passport thing bothered me. I am a seasoned world traveler and I know that you only carry a copy of your passport around with you while out an about abroad. The actual passport should be kept in a secure place like the hotel safe. Unfortunately most tourists don't realize this and they carry their passports with them at all times. A thief who is robbing tourists would most certainly have taken the passports too.
- This particular friend wouldn't come to me for money because we are (a) not that close and (b) they know I'm not rolling in the dough.

Stay safe out there in cyberspace my friends.