Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Trivia Night

I am attending another trivia night at Vianney High School this evening. It is to benefit their Alumni Scholarship Fund. Trivia nights are fun and relatively inexpensive events. For $25 you get all the beer and sodas you can drink. Everyone at the table usually brings snacks to share. This is much cheaper than going out. With the struggling economy trivia nights are even more popular. You get out of the house and have a good time with your friends for less money and hassle. I attended the Mizzou Alumni event last weekend and had a blast. I'm sure tonight will be a great time as well. So if you have never attended a trivia night, I highly recommend trying one. Give those little gray cells a workout!

Friday, January 23, 2009

This Week

This has been an exciting week. Tuesday we ushered in a promising new era of American History. I am so proud of America for electing change. I believe we are going to get this country back on track. All of us need to put our political biases aside and come together for the challenges ahead. The strength of the American people will carry us through. I know we can do it. This renewed hope has made any bad situations around me seem more manageable. The last few months have been difficult, but I am strong and I will be okay.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Baby It's COLD Outside!

With the recent weather I find myself getting more and more anxious for my trip to Hawaii. This morning when I took the dog out the temperature was one tenth of a degree above zero. How that tenth even registered I don't know. The thermometer probably felt sorry for me so it threw me a mercy tenth. The stuffy sinus', constant cough, chapped lips, and extra dry skin are giving me the winter blues. If I am this miserable, I can only imagine how those less fortunate than myself feel. I at least have a cozy place to come home to. There are people out there without heat, winter coats, and many don't have a home at all. Let's try and use this unbearable weather as inspiration to help those in need this winter. Why not grab an old coat and donate it, give canned goods to your local shelter, check that donation box on your gas bill, or even volunteer somewhere? So go forth and do something wonderful. If we all did even one tiny thing, just imagine what the impact would be!